The Oasis Midnight Broadcast
The Oasis Midnight Broadcast
Episode 15: The Big Night Part 2
(If this is your first time listening, don’t start here! Try starting with episode one!)
The big night continues with the most explosive surprises to date...
Our show is partly written, partly improvised!
Our improv sections this week include:
- Evan's monologue 12:47-13:30
- Frankie's monologue 15:57-16:08
- Evan Ayers - Aidan Murphy
- Frankie - Jay Fare
- Brass - Robby Appleton
- Knuckles - Robby Appleton
- Bruce Killgore - Duncan Cochran
- Ramona Lake - Mars Passmore
- Miranda - Meghan Mohn
- Crystal - Meghan Mohn
- Lenny Burgess - Aidan Murphy
- Ralph - Holden Wertheimer-Meier
- Chip Insley - Patrick Egan
- Markus - Jay Fare
- Carol - Jay Fare
Thank you to Freesound.org for providing our recurring sounds. Our new sounds this week are:
- High heels — Audio Vampire
- Boots walking — Epidemic Sound Effects
- Telephone — Gaming Sound Effects and Sound Laboratory
- Thuds — All Sounds
- Knife cutting — All Sounds
- Chair sliding — All Sounds
- Handshake — Sound Effects
- Mic feedback — Gina Jorgenson
- Single clapper — Gaming Sound FX
- Polite applause — Sound Mods
- Light applause — Dr. Sound Effects
- Cough — All Sounds
- Laughs — X Sound Effect
- Match — Picture to sound
- Clearing throat — Audio Library
- Crowd gasp — Sound laboratory
- C4 — Sound Effects Factory
- Crowd wet run — Sound Effects Database
- Running feet — All Sounds
- Gunshot -- Mister Sound
- Truck sounds — Sound Effects Relaxation
- Truck passing — Audio Library
- Car passing — Motion Array
- Car crash — n Beats
- Skid — Berlin Atmospheres
- Distant sirens — Carly KilgardMetal Frantic Door Knocks 1 - TRP
Written by Aidan Murphy.
Edited by Aidan Murphy.
Story created by Aidan Murphy and Jay Fare.
Opening and ending theme by Eve's Cleaver.
Art by Bronze Archer Illustrations (@bronzearcher on Instagram, @theBronzeArcher on Facebook)
Do YOU have a spooky story to share? Feedback to give? Tweet @TheEvanAyers or email theoasiscast@gmail.com! We welcome tales short and tall, pictures from road trips, and anything you've seen going on in our beloved Midwest.
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The Oasis Midnight Broadcast is brought to you by Thank You for Doing This Productions.